February 17, 2020 Ernst Conservation Seeds, Ernst Pollinator Service and American Solar Grazing Association Partner on Pollinator-Friendly Fuzz & Buzz™ Seed Mix for Solar Arrays Meadville, PA – February 17, 2020 – Ernst Conservation Seeds, the largest producer of native grass and wildflower seeds in the eastern United States, has partnered with Ernst Pollinator Service, a leader in pollinator establishment in all types of habitats, and the American Solar Grazing Association (ASGA), a non-profit trade organization devoted to promoting the grazing of sheep on solar installations, to develop the new Fuzz & Buzz™ Seed Mix.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the mix will be donated to the ASGA in support of its mission.The Fuzz & Buzz™ seed mix was developed to address the unique nutritional needs of sheep, while providing a low-growing, easily maintained and sustainable vegetation solution for solar installations. The plant species chosen for the mix were vetted by experts at the Cornell University Sheep Program for their palatability to sheep.“What could be better than a seed mix designed for solar sites that is durable, intended for grazing and biodiverse enough to support a range of pollinator species,” said Lexie Hain, executive director of the ASGA. She continued, “This is the launch of the newest in solar: solar pastures. Thanks to Ernst Conservation Seeds and Ernst Pollinator Service for teaming up with the farmers at ASGA to create our first solar pastures seed mix.”The diversity of grass and flowering species in the mix adds the ecological benefit of providing pollen and nectar sources for honeybees, native pollinator species, birds and other wildlife.“Our mission is to provide seeds that solve problems ecologically,” said Calvin Ernst, president of Ernst Conservation Seeds. “With the Fuzz & Buzz™ seed mix, we’re able to offer a three-part solution that minimizes maintenance for solar operators, provides an opportunity for sheep graziers who need additional pasture, and improves soil health and biodiversity for the benefit of pollinators and wildlife.”A proponent of solutions that help landowners restore profitability to their grounds, Robin Ernst, president of Ernst Pollinator Service, said, “We embrace new and inventive ways for America’s farmers to make their land productive and profitable, sometimes in ways they might not have previously considered. Solar sites offer many landowners just such an opportunity on their property. The addition of grazing potential for sheep on these sites can multiply that profitability even further. And when those sites bring with them habitat for pollinators, it’s a winning proposition on many fronts.”For more information or to place an order for the Fuzz & Buzz™ Seed Mix, contact the Ernst Conservation Seeds customer service team at 800-873-3321 or by email to sales@ernstseed.com.For more information on Ernst Pollinator Service, visit Meadville Land Service EPS or contact Lindsey White at 814-337-1974. For more information on the American Solar Grazing Association, visit Solar Grazing Website or call Lexie Hain at 607-342-6721. For more information on the Cornell University Sheep Program, visit Cornell Blog New Sheep or call Michael Thonney at 607-592-5891.