Ernst Seeds
Helping restore the native landscape for over 60 years
Founded by Calvin Ernst in 1964, Ernst Conservation Seeds is the largest native seed producer and supplier in the eastern United States.
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Browse all seed mixes and find the one you need using the advanced search and filtering options of our Seed Finder Tool:
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The foliage of native plants reduces erosion by reducing the force of droplet impact. The deep roots of warm season grasses anchor the soil, and the fibrous roots knit it together to provide soil stabilization. In addition, roots of native plants can reduce soil compaction. Plantings of native meadows along waterways absorb nutrients that would otherwise runoff into streams and rivers.
Buffer strips of native plants attract and provide habitat for wildlife. They attract pollinators and support beneficial insects that control agricultural pests. Pollinator strips have been found to increase soybeans yields. Livestock, such as cattle, sheep, and goats can also thrive on native plants in rotational grazing systems. ERNMX-124 is a good fit for rotational grazing systems.
Programs available through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency and Natural Resources Conservation Service give farmers an opportunity to realize the benefits of planting native species. These voluntary programs include:
Several programs within CRP are dedicated to specific types of landscapes:
No matter what benefit you wish to capture or program you’re interested in, planting native seeds for farming and agriculture projects requires expertise and planning to succeed. Select a seed mix for your project with our Seed Finder Tool, which simplifies your search for the ideal native seeds for your project requirements. Visit our online resource center for our establishment guides and seedling gallery. Our establishment guides contain tips on site preparation, planting and maintenance. To help confirm that your meadow is growing, see our seedling gallery.
Contact us with your questions about using seed for agricultural and farming projects, and don’t forget to check out our Seed Finder Tool. Please complete the form at the bottom of the page or call us at 800-873-3321.
Elymus villosus, PA Ecotype
Eschscholzia californica
Arrhenatherum elatius ssp. elatius
Penstemon hirsutus
Desmanthus illinoensis
Gaura biennis